Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Long Lost Things #1

When packing up the house ready to move, one often finds things that had either been forgotten about or missing in action for a really long time or that you just didn't know you had....
So far, here is what we have found... I am sure the list will grow just as the pile of boxes under my house grows.
  • Unused postage stamps from when they still only cost 50c
  • An undelivered handmade christmas card addressed to Mr & Mrs de Elba and their unborn baby (nat)...
  • kitchen scales
  • a dead rat it was under the house in amongst stuff. Gross!
  • Swift Jim's mum's guest book from her 50th birthday party a few years ago (why did we have that?)
  • A long lost teddy called Morris. He was found on top of the display cabinet in amongst dried flowers.
  • Some of Swift Jim's nice cologne (right at the back of the bathroom cupboard)
  • Our Wedding and Engagement videos. Now THAT was a giggle to watch again

There are a few items that I havn't found yet that I hope to... but's fun finding things you had forgotten about :)

And so the packing continues ....

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