1. I am so extremely thankful that our dear little Itty Bitty was kept safe in my womb! She is a survivor! After Parvo Virus (the human version) and Swine Flu are amazed that she is here and amzingly healthy! I too feel that a donation for a Birth Attendant in a third world country is a brilliant way to express my gratitude. Thank you Lord!

2. I am so very thankful for and PROUD of my big (almost grade 1) boy, Connor.
This year he has grown up so much! He has done so well at school. He is reading & writing things I didn't even know he could do! And he has made friends with some lovely children. I am so proud of him!
3. I am so thankful for and PROUD of my big 4 year old girl Ella! She is turning into such a lovely little girl! She has come leaps and bounds since starting kindy at the beginning if the year! What a delight to have her in our family. She is always cracking us up with her chitter chatter...
4. I am so EXTREMELY thankful & grateful for my loving husband! Without him this year, I simply would not have survived. With the stress of pregnancy + parvo virus & all the worries and concerns that came with that, he stayed calm. When I had Swine flu, he looked after me. When I had the horrific caesarean at the end of a horrific pregnancy, he took care of all 5 of us.
I am PROUD of him when he had all four of his wisdom teeth out, it was an aweful exprience, but he survived. We all survived! I am PROUD of him for fixing the stairs at our old house so we could sell it and for all his assmebling efforts of IKEA furniture at our new house!
I am just so thankful that he makes my love tank feel full most of the time. He is so wonderful! Thanks Dan xoxo
5. This year I am proud of all I have accomplished;
- I was pregnant
- Looked after two energetic children whilst suffering aweful morning (all day) sickness
- had a baby
- recovered from major surgery
- was a bridesmaid during that recovery period
- bought a house
- sold a house
- packed up our house
- house sat
- moved into our house
- started an etsy store (albiet very small at the moment)
- unpacked lots of boxes
- helped assemble lots of IKEA items
- did the christmas shopping
- restored some order to our lovely new [old] home.
6. I am so very thankful for my family and friends! How wonderful is life when you have great family and friends around you!
So instead of saying Happy New Year, this year I might say Happy OLD year!