Sunday, January 24, 2010

An update on my nemasis...

So i have ony had 2 glasses of coke since I posted. That's pretty good for me. It's not uncommon for me to drink up to a litre a day... wow, now there's an embarassing statistic!


Emily Sue said...

It's actually pretty easy to drink a litre. Although I was drinking Diet Coke, I used to have 2-3 600ml bottles per day. Plus about 5 cups of tea, which could explain why I was getting caffeine-induced palpitations.

Good on you for cutting down so much. I know it's not easy to do. You'll beat your nemesis yet!

sewfunbymonique said...

Wow, that's great! It is hard for me not to drink that in the summer. Winter, I'm all about coffee!