Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What do I do with myself?

My beloved Swift Jim is loaning me his work laptop right now. My computer is broken *insert sad face here*.
So whilst I am able to have a brief browse of the web when Dan is at home, I unable to have my usual after lunch chillout. That is usually when I do my blogging.

I don't know what to do with myself during this time now! I know there is usually a couple of loads of washing staring at me or some other boring chore. But this is my chill out time! Yesterday I slept. Not a bad way to spend the time I suppose. But not my favourite thing to do.
Maybe I ought to get the sewing machine out.....

Anyway, this post is mostly to let you know that I probably wont be online much until my computer is fixed. I am not ignoring your blogs. I just havn't managed to look at them. Sorry!


Hippomanic Jen said...

Don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back.

But you'd better let us know when Itty Bitty makes an appearance. Or else...

Swift Jan said...

Will do Jen xx

Femina said...

Yeah... what Jen said! :)

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

sorry to hear you computer is broken. I hope you are keeping track of all the blog worthy stuff that is happening - because there is usually lots of that when blogging is not possible - at least that is my experience.

Love the Babystrology counter on your blog page. It is very cute!

Anonymous said...

I had my first baby turned ....not a comfy procedure....stood at the bus stop waiting to go home (lol she is 37 now!!!) amidst much movement and activity from the baby, and by the time I went to see my GP the next day she was breach again!!! She turned on her own over the next couple of weeks and was born normally!!!her head didn't engage either until i'd been in labout a while......good luck again. I found your blog via Kate.