Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The dilemas of naming a child.
Anyhow. We are still working on a name if it is infact a boy.
What are your thoughts on our dilema... Do you go ahead with a name that you both like in its full form even if you dislike most of the shortened forms that, lets face it, he would most likely recieve at some stage of his life. Particulary in his school years. And its those shortened names that often stick throughout their life.
We are not sure.... I dont want to say the actual name we are thinking about, but I will use Richard as an example. Lets say we really like Richard, but really dislike like; Ritchie, Dick, Rick, Rich.... Do we still call the child Richard anyway, even though it may at one point in it's life get called one of those other short forms by his peers?
*sigh* If only Swift Jim liked Henry..... ;)
ETA: In Australia it is not uncommon for people to add an "O" onto the end of a name. For example... Damo (Damien), Thommo (Thomas), Jonno (Jonathan)... I find it incredibly bogan and fear the name we like is susceptable to such a shortening... ICK
Monday, July 27, 2009
Barefoot Sandals....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
4X Holes in the head!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
All is well for Givinya and Thingamababy!!
I will let her tell you all the details of sex, name, size etc etc... It's not my news to tell :)
Look what Monique did for me!
I thought about making it myself, but then I had a thought! Wouldn't it look great if the liner could match my funky nappy bag that Monique made! So I emailed her, and LOOK....

She just whipped it up in no time!! It's gorgeous! I can't wait for Mr Postman to deliver it!
It will look fabbo with the bag wont it!

Monday, July 20, 2009
The Bump
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Chitter Chatter
Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Getting ready for bubba!! Part 3...
When I first saw it in the actual baby's room I thought, hmm it looks pretty big, but it'll be right! Wrong.
Last night Swift Jim put together the baby's cot, which has been under the house in storage for 2 years. (He is getting quite good at putting beds together) My suspicions were confirmed. The chair is infact WAY too big for the room & we are now back to square one. Lucky the chair was so cheap. I think I will donate it to my church's parents rooom. Afterall it IS really comfy!
Last night I once again hit ebay. I found 2 chairs that are potential prospects. This time I will find out the measurements prior to bidding. The only trouble is, both chairs are a bit of a drive away to pick up. And both chairs are more expensive than my original bargain. D'oh!
Then I checked our friends at IKEA, and saw this little beauty...
It's MUCH smaller! But still looks reasonably comfortable to sit in at a 2am feed. Doesn't it?
Hmm what to do?!!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wish Lists...
I found these on etsy & am going to ask her for a pair!!

How cute are they!!!!!!
They are from emandsprout at Etsy.
That website is dangerous!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Want to get to know me better?
Feel free to do one also, I'd love to get to know YOU better too...
What are you wearing today? Right now my PJ's & dressing gown. Its 7:49am & it's cold!
What's for dinner? Country Style Beef Casserole in the slow cooker.
What would you eat for your last meal? My favourite, Lamb roast & chocolate pudding for dessert.
What are you listening to right now? ABC Kids on tele.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now for an hour, where would you go? I'd head to Melbourne & have a cuppa with my good friend.
Which language do you want to learn? I like Jen's answer VERY much!! I have always wondered what the girls are talking about during a pedicure. So probably Japanese :P
What do you love most about where you live? It's nice & quiet.
What style is your current home decorated in? It doesn't really have a style. Its a whole lot of mix & match I guess. No real plan to it. It needs A LOT of work actually.
If you were a time traveler what era would you live in? I would love to live back in the 1940's. Back then women learned how to sew and stuff from the mum's & grandmothers. Now days you have to do a course if you want to learn.
What is your favourite colour? Antique Pink. Not bright pink.
What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? I bought a gorgeous vintage dress off ebay 3.5 years ago. It has butterflies all over it. I have never been able to wear it though as I put on too much weight :( I adore it!
What were you doing 10 years ago? I was in my first year of my hairdressing apprenticeship.... also, probably snogging Swift Jim in some park somewhere ;)
If you had $300 right now, what would you spend it on? I would really like a new digi camera, so I would put it towards that I guess.
What are you doing after this? Going to visit a friend who lives 2 hours away! :)
What are your favourite films? Miss Potter, The Italian Job, The Notebook, Grease...
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today? The day is yet young!! But I guess having a chance to blog has been fun... I expect my day will get better though.
What makes you comment on a blog? I comment for all sorts of reasons. If I enjoyed the post I will comment. If I want to send some love, if I want to get to know someone....
What is your favourite thing to do when you have some spare time? Cruise the web & blog I guess. But I also like to sew.
Would you home school your kids? No.
What is a talent you wish you had? I wish I was good at sport.
If you could be any other animal other than human, what would you be? A bird. I would love to fly...
By 2042, white people will be the minority. Do you believe that? Wow, never heard the theory. But I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that.
Would you want your blog to be as popular as Dooce? What would be some of the pros and cons? No, I dont think I would want that many followers. I like that people read my blog, but I guess I wouldn't want THAT many people reading it.
There you have it. If you feel like answering questions, then consider yourself tagged.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It IS a very catchy tune I guess!
Thanks Givinya for teaching me how to do this :)