Almond Eyes was eating her dinner tonight and she says....
Talking about her sausage: "it will go into my tummy, then my legs, then my foots."
It had to be blogged :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well I decided.
Now, I think the general feel was that the cupcakes and strawberries wasn't as nice as the linked design....
After searching a little bit more, I found a flipped version which seemed a little brighter....
I hope you like it.....
After searching a little bit more, I found a flipped version which seemed a little brighter....
I hope you like it.....
Please vote!
So, I do love my template, it's very me.
But I am thinking a lot of you dont? Is it too childish maybe?
Anyhoo, do you like my current one or this one better?
Thanks! Please leave a comment!!
But I am thinking a lot of you dont? Is it too childish maybe?
Anyhoo, do you like my current one or this one better?
Thanks! Please leave a comment!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Inspired again....
I am so happy & positive about my new job, that I finally bit the bullet & bought myself some new scissors.
I have been needing new scissors for a long while. They were'nt cutting hair all that well. I actually was beginning to think it was my hands that weren't cutting hair very well, and was getting rather depressed about it. And was thinking whats the point of spending $250+ on new scissors if I am not any good at it! I was ready to give up hairdressing all together.
But since this job has popped up, and I love my boss & the other girl who works there, I thought I would bite the bullet & get new scissors.....
They are very pretty. And they were on special, reduced from $225 down to $160! Cant beat a
The best bit... all 4 haircuts I have done since getting them have been beautiful. They have brought back my confidence!! :)

They are very pretty aren't they ..... and SHARP! :D
I have been needing new scissors for a long while. They were'nt cutting hair all that well. I actually was beginning to think it was my hands that weren't cutting hair very well, and was getting rather depressed about it. And was thinking whats the point of spending $250+ on new scissors if I am not any good at it! I was ready to give up hairdressing all together.
But since this job has popped up, and I love my boss & the other girl who works there, I thought I would bite the bullet & get new scissors.....
They are very pretty. And they were on special, reduced from $225 down to $160! Cant beat a
The best bit... all 4 haircuts I have done since getting them have been beautiful. They have brought back my confidence!! :)

They are very pretty aren't they ..... and SHARP! :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Feeling bombarded!
With Bills. Medical ones.
Last October CC had to have a tooth removed. He had broken it as a baby chewing on a hard rusk. Then he started getting an absus under it, so it had to come out. Because he was so little he had to go under a general, in a private hospital. So it cost us $2000. Yep rediculous.
In April, I had to have my gall bladder out. $800.
Now Hubby needs all 4 of his wisdom teeth out. I have no idea how much it is going to cost, but I fear, a similar cost or more to CC's tooth. :(
We are never gonna get away on a holiday......
Last October CC had to have a tooth removed. He had broken it as a baby chewing on a hard rusk. Then he started getting an absus under it, so it had to come out. Because he was so little he had to go under a general, in a private hospital. So it cost us $2000. Yep rediculous.
In April, I had to have my gall bladder out. $800.
Now Hubby needs all 4 of his wisdom teeth out. I have no idea how much it is going to cost, but I fear, a similar cost or more to CC's tooth. :(
We are never gonna get away on a holiday......
Monday, September 22, 2008
Almond Eyes' Birth story (sorry its so long)
I dont dare post Chestnut Cheeks' story. It's not pretty. Is any birth story pretty though? Hmmm probably not. But his really wan't nice. It was long! It was gross!
We had been TTC Almond Eyes for four months, but had decided to stop TTC during the month of March/April to try and avoid a Christmas baby. Well guess what happened! Yep you guessed it... AE was due on the 19 December.
I had gone over due with CC so I expected the same would happen with AE. I expected her to come on Christmas Day. Mostly because that was the day I least wanted her to be born.
It was a pleasant surprise to be woken at 4am on the 11th of December with some rather strong pains. Now. The pains I was experiencing were the same sort that started the day CC was born. I laboured for 23 hours with him, so I knew I had quite a while to go. Swift Jim decided to stay home just in case & Grandma took CC for the day. At lunch time I fell asleep & woke a couple of hours later and nothing. No more pain..... How depressing.
The next day Swift Jim went to work. Later that night the pains returned, but didn't last for long.... jolly Braxton Hicks!
At about 8pm on the 13th, SJ called my mum. The pain was pretty significant by now & I just wanted my mum. She arrived & we all decided that it might be time to head to the hospital. I went & they sent me home again. And you guessed it. With the help of some pain killers I went to sleep & awoke to no pain. Labour had stopped. Again!
It was getting a bit sick of this now, very frustrated. I pottered through the next day, pains coming and going, finding it very hard to get comfortable but fully in the knowledge that this baby was staying put until christmas day!! Or so I thought!
It was about 9:30pm on the 14th of december, I was getting ready for bed when I hear a "POP". The sound came from inside my belly. I said to SJ, "did you hear that" Yep, he had heard it! So I thought, hmmm might ring the hospital & ask if it's normal. So I rang & told them & they said it may have been your waters, is there any fluid? But there wasn't. She said to come in so they can examine me. I wasn't in any pain, so I knew I'd be sent home. Anyway we rang our good friends & they had CC for the night.
On the way to the hospital, contractions started. They were quite strong so I knew this was it!
I could barely walk to the hospital door, and it was very difficult to be brave while all these people watched me, knowing I was in labour [I had to go the emergency ward as it was after hours]. A nurse came & got me & off we went. I had to stop every few steps as the contractions were getting stronger. They hooked me up to a monitor to see just how strong the contractions were, & she tells me that they are BRAXTON HICK'S still!!!!! I said "please dont send me home again!" So she agreed for me to stay & be monitored for the next hour. Well that was aweful, being strapped to the monitor, on my back. I was labouring in my back & all I wanted to do was walk around. I must have been getting a bit vocal with the contractions, coz after a while a midwife came in & said, they must be picking up eh? And she said yeah, your progress is good, lets see how dilated you are. 4cm! YES... it took me 12 hours to dilate 4 cm with CC... it had only been 2! So we went off to the birth suite. Finally!
I laboured in the shower for a while until the pain got too bad & they gave me a pethadine shot. Didn't really help the pain, but certainly made me sleepy! I just wanted to lay down. So I got dry & went to lay on the bed.
After a long while of lying down I asked for my Mum. It was 3am on the 15th December. The nurse went & called my mum to come to the hospital as I was asking for her. What a great mum!! I hopped up because I needed to go to the toilet. It took me about 5 mins to walk over to the toilet I think lol.... I couldn't go. So I stood up & walked around for a bit & my mum arrived. I went to lay down again & I was begging for an epidural. I couldn't stand it anymore. By the time the nurse came back to tell me a doctor would be up soon. I needed to push. She didn't believe me. I said " I cant help it! Either I need to push or I am gonna do a big poo!!" So she decided it might be best to examine! And yes indeed.... I was ready to push!
Fifteen minutes later,at 3:59am the baby arrived! Amazing! I said "here she is!" Then realised I didn't even know if it was a girl or boy... they said "yes it's a girl!" Amazing!
Such a different birth to her brother, but both equally special.
The pink shirts were not planned... haha
Friday, September 19, 2008
When things just work out...
I am feeling some what gobsmacked! Amazed! Excited! And well... gobsmacked!
Recently I resigned from a job that I had a go at for 3 months. When I saw the job advertised I thought, gee what great hours! I might apply. I didn't need a job, but the hours were so good that I didn't want to pass it up.
I am a hairdresser. I had resigned to the fact that I would probably never get a job in hairdressing with the hours that suited being a mum. They want you to work Thursday nights, saturdays and anything else they can weasel out of you.
The other job didn't work out. Turned out I was working in Bogan Central!! Honestly, it wasn't even about the clients [though I had some odd occurances! I must blog about them] my boss had no standards & was just well a bogan! I have since found out that I must be the ONLY hairdresser in my town who had no idea about that salon. But anyway. I didn't last long.
Getting to the point of this blog.
I was speaking to a friend at church [who is also a hairdresser] on sunday night & she was saying how much she loved her new job, so I half jokingly said well tell your boss if she needs a casual to give me a call. I really didn't expect a call because well.... I really am stingy on what hours I want to work.
She called anyway!!!!! Last night at 6pm I got a call while I was doing the dishes. She asked me what hours I wanted, I told her & she said YES!!!!! Wow. YES!! So I started TODAY :D So until next year when Almond Eyes starts kindy, I will be working every second Friday from 9:30am - 2:00pm. PERFECT!!!! Next year I will do every Friday....
Amazing. Praise God for answered prayer! :)
Recently I resigned from a job that I had a go at for 3 months. When I saw the job advertised I thought, gee what great hours! I might apply. I didn't need a job, but the hours were so good that I didn't want to pass it up.
I am a hairdresser. I had resigned to the fact that I would probably never get a job in hairdressing with the hours that suited being a mum. They want you to work Thursday nights, saturdays and anything else they can weasel out of you.
The other job didn't work out. Turned out I was working in Bogan Central!! Honestly, it wasn't even about the clients [though I had some odd occurances! I must blog about them] my boss had no standards & was just well a bogan! I have since found out that I must be the ONLY hairdresser in my town who had no idea about that salon. But anyway. I didn't last long.
Getting to the point of this blog.
I was speaking to a friend at church [who is also a hairdresser] on sunday night & she was saying how much she loved her new job, so I half jokingly said well tell your boss if she needs a casual to give me a call. I really didn't expect a call because well.... I really am stingy on what hours I want to work.
She called anyway!!!!! Last night at 6pm I got a call while I was doing the dishes. She asked me what hours I wanted, I told her & she said YES!!!!! Wow. YES!! So I started TODAY :D So until next year when Almond Eyes starts kindy, I will be working every second Friday from 9:30am - 2:00pm. PERFECT!!!! Next year I will do every Friday....
Amazing. Praise God for answered prayer! :)
One story about my time in Bogan Central....
One Friday I was working at the dodgy salon. There often are a few, shall we say, intersting people who come and go from that salon.
This particular morning a couple of ladies came in. They were a mother & daughter. The mother was quite old. All I could see of her hair was the fluro orange ends as she had a really dreadful looking hat on. The daughter was also a bit of a sight, probably in her late 40's.
It was hard to understand what they were saying, I think a visit with my good friend Givinya de Elba might have helped somewhat. (GdE is a speech patholigist [ i think thats the title]). I eventually worked out that they wanted a trim & a colour. Right. The next trick was trying to figure out WHAT colour.
I got the colour chart out and asked them to point to what they like. The daughter picked something reasonable, but the mother picked Bright purple! Now this woman would be in her eighties I'd say. It wasn't light purple like some old ladies get, it was the kind of purple that a punk rocker would get.
Needless to say I talked her out of it & she settled for a nice vibrant Copper. [ick]
So I get underway. Hoping like crazy that I have interpreted what they wanted correctly. All the while the Mother is telling ME how to put her colour on. Riiight!
So, after a while I am finding it terribly hard to understand her speech. I mean it was hard to understand in the first place, but all of a sudden it is just became a whole lot of gobbledy goop. The daughter started interpreting for me.
After I finished puting her colour on I started cleaning up my stuff and it was then I realised exactly why all I could hear was gobbley goop. Lucy's false teeth were sitting on the bench.
This particular morning a couple of ladies came in. They were a mother & daughter. The mother was quite old. All I could see of her hair was the fluro orange ends as she had a really dreadful looking hat on. The daughter was also a bit of a sight, probably in her late 40's.
It was hard to understand what they were saying, I think a visit with my good friend Givinya de Elba might have helped somewhat. (GdE is a speech patholigist [ i think thats the title]). I eventually worked out that they wanted a trim & a colour. Right. The next trick was trying to figure out WHAT colour.
I got the colour chart out and asked them to point to what they like. The daughter picked something reasonable, but the mother picked Bright purple! Now this woman would be in her eighties I'd say. It wasn't light purple like some old ladies get, it was the kind of purple that a punk rocker would get.
Needless to say I talked her out of it & she settled for a nice vibrant Copper. [ick]
So I get underway. Hoping like crazy that I have interpreted what they wanted correctly. All the while the Mother is telling ME how to put her colour on. Riiight!
So, after a while I am finding it terribly hard to understand her speech. I mean it was hard to understand in the first place, but all of a sudden it is just became a whole lot of gobbledy goop. The daughter started interpreting for me.
After I finished puting her colour on I started cleaning up my stuff and it was then I realised exactly why all I could hear was gobbley goop. Lucy's false teeth were sitting on the bench.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Call me a copy cat!
I thought this over at Raking Leaves in a Wind Storm and Mom in the fishbowl was a bit of
1. Where were you 10 years ago? Probably on my way to school. I was in my final year of high school.
2. What's on todays to do list? Today I am taking the kids to the local Rail Museum, we have an annual pass. It's brilliant for small children, especially those who love trains. Then I have to interview a new book keeper for Chestnut Cheek's Kindy.
3. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Gosh! That's a huge responsibilty! I would pay off our loans, pay of the parents loans & the siblings. Start a trust for the kids. Then I would give it away. There are so many people out there in need!
4. Name 5 places you have lived? Well, in this town I have lived in 4 houses through out my life, but one other would be a caravan in South Australia! I was very little.
5. Name 3 of your bad habits? Nail biting, sitting at the computer instead of cleaning, leaving piles of washing for long looong periods of time!
6. What are your favourite snacks? Chocolate.
Go on! Have a go :)
1. Where were you 10 years ago? Probably on my way to school. I was in my final year of high school.
2. What's on todays to do list? Today I am taking the kids to the local Rail Museum, we have an annual pass. It's brilliant for small children, especially those who love trains. Then I have to interview a new book keeper for Chestnut Cheek's Kindy.
3. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Gosh! That's a huge responsibilty! I would pay off our loans, pay of the parents loans & the siblings. Start a trust for the kids. Then I would give it away. There are so many people out there in need!
4. Name 5 places you have lived? Well, in this town I have lived in 4 houses through out my life, but one other would be a caravan in South Australia! I was very little.
5. Name 3 of your bad habits? Nail biting, sitting at the computer instead of cleaning, leaving piles of washing for long looong periods of time!
6. What are your favourite snacks? Chocolate.
Go on! Have a go :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I ended up with a migraine last night. I am trying to figure out if it was from the blissful massage I enjoyed yesterday morning OR from the P&C meeting I had to attend last night. I am the presidents of Chestnut Cheeks Kindy, so each month that brings much "fun" into my life.
Generally the meeting aren't that stressful. (the result of the meeting often is though)
Maybe it was a coincedance that I started my headache at 7:00pm just as the meeting started....
Or maybe it could have been all the sugar I ate throughout the day.......
Generally the meeting aren't that stressful. (the result of the meeting often is though)
Maybe it was a coincedance that I started my headache at 7:00pm just as the meeting started....
Or maybe it could have been all the sugar I ate throughout the day.......
Monday, September 15, 2008
When you're a mother of two small children, you dont often get time to do things for yourself.
I try to, but you know... it's very rare!
For my birthday I got a massage voucher.... ahhhh
This morning I used it! Bliss I tell you! Absolute bliss....
I lay there, Nora Jones played softly, scented candles burned......
I turned into jelly & before I knew it 40 minutes was up & I could barely move to get off the table.
I truly believe that every mother should be treated with a professional massage at least once a month....
I can dream yeah?
I try to, but you know... it's very rare!
For my birthday I got a massage voucher.... ahhhh
This morning I used it! Bliss I tell you! Absolute bliss....
I lay there, Nora Jones played softly, scented candles burned......
I turned into jelly & before I knew it 40 minutes was up & I could barely move to get off the table.
I truly believe that every mother should be treated with a professional massage at least once a month....
I can dream yeah?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Not 100% yet
I didn't like the blog templates that came with Blogger. So not me at all!! AT ALL!! Boring shmoring!
Google is helpful, but I still havn't found a template I absolutely love... this one is close, but not 100%.
Swift Jim [who is a wizz with computers & adobe] is going to help me come up with my own personalized design... and if that's too hard I might ask Eightcrazy to help me out!
If this is to be my world.. then I want it to express ME!
We will see what happens.... this spot may change appearance a few times, appologies for the confusion in advance :D
Google is helpful, but I still havn't found a template I absolutely love... this one is close, but not 100%.
Swift Jim [who is a wizz with computers & adobe] is going to help me come up with my own personalized design... and if that's too hard I might ask Eightcrazy to help me out!
If this is to be my world.. then I want it to express ME!
We will see what happens.... this spot may change appearance a few times, appologies for the confusion in advance :D
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I have a deadline!
My bestie is getting married! YAY!!! She has asked me to be her maid of honor (I refuse to be called a matron!) And well, the dress she has picked for me to wear is stunning! Simply beautiful!
But.... I seriously need to lose about 10-15 Kilos to look any good in it!!
I needed a kick up the rear end to lose a bit a weight. Now I have it!!!
9 months people!! I have 9 Months!!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The masterpiece...
It was great!! Everyone loved it [especially my Dad] ... though it doesn't look quite as remarkable as the cake below, it is still pretty good.
Please excuse the little drummer man's dislocated wrist LOL... had a bit of trouble with that!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Update on the cake!
Well, I am getting there. Just finishing touches to do really.
But I have decided not to decorate a cake using fondant icing again in hurry.
To get it to go the colours I wanted (Maroon, black, blue, flesh & grey) I had to spend A LOT of time kneading dough. I kid you not, last night I spent 45, yes 45 minutes kneading white fonadant icing into maroon.... today my forearms hurt and my fingers can barely type these words.
Not only that, but you should see my floor & cupoards! I made a little mess with the food colouring last night & decided after doing the washing up that the floor & cupboards [which are now a lovely shade of pink] can wait until today.
On a positive note though, the little drummer is kinda cute :D
I hope Dad like his cake ;)
But I have decided not to decorate a cake using fondant icing again in hurry.
To get it to go the colours I wanted (Maroon, black, blue, flesh & grey) I had to spend A LOT of time kneading dough. I kid you not, last night I spent 45, yes 45 minutes kneading white fonadant icing into maroon.... today my forearms hurt and my fingers can barely type these words.
Not only that, but you should see my floor & cupoards! I made a little mess with the food colouring last night & decided after doing the washing up that the floor & cupboards [which are now a lovely shade of pink] can wait until today.
On a positive note though, the little drummer is kinda cute :D
I hope Dad like his cake ;)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Busy Week
So this week I wont really be around much.
My Dad turns 50 next week and his party is this weekend. I have volunteered to make his cake. A 'drum kit cake' (he plays drums). Call me crazy!! Coz this is what I am going to attempt...
Now this is just the picture I liked when I googled!!! Whether it will end up looking like that... I have no idea!! But none the less it will take me all week to make!
I haven't even really had time to play with my new toy!! Though I did have a little play the day I bought it. I will certainly be into it next week!!
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