Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am discovering that getting up before the rest of the family wakes up is quite nice. It is dead quiet. There is no whinging, fighting or screaming from the children. I start my day positive, rather than waking to the sound of whinging, fighting & screaming. So although my back is hurting (which is why I am up so early) I feel like today is going to be a good day...

I do however think I will need a nap later...


Femina said...

I have a friend who gets up at 4.30 (yes, in the MORNING), reads the Bible and prays, then goes for a walk, all before the rest of the family gets up. She LOVES it. Okay, 4.30am is a bit extreme but I've heard many people with families extol the virtue of some quiet time before the rest of the family wakes.

Scurrette said...

My mum still gets up that early even though its only her at home. I guess it's habitual now.

I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning all because of whingy kids. No fair.

It is really nice tho! When I get a chance to, I tiptoe around and do what I like for as long as I can get away with it! ♥

Mrs Button said...

Hi SJ, Thanks for the prayers, good thoughts and wishes. Prayers have really brought us a long way and we feel very blessed. Hope your back improves. Lisa.

Givinya De Elba said...

Hope your back is okay. I wish I could get up early, before the bedlam. I did it the other day when my back was sore too.

But I don't think I would survive. It would kill me. I would do it if my Nanny would take care of the kids while I had a decent sleep in the afternoons. Oh wait, no Nanny. Bummer.

Still. I remember that summer when I got up at 5:00am every single day. I've never felt more energetic, or close to God.

But then, I had no little kids! Even though I worked full time, it was MUCH easier to do without that extra sleep.

Bumpkin Hill said...

Take care of yourself, do rest your back with all the move coming up. Love your new creation with the ladybird. Hugs, Catherine x

sewfunbymonique said...

Rest up! I have found that golden time, too. I just don't feel the same in the morning without the quiet while I make and enjoy coffee and make everyone's lunch.